Ready to take your case for a test drive ?

Litigators, it’s time to step into the future of case strategy evaluation with PredictTM.

Say goodbye to uncertainty and hello to data-driven insights that could dramatically shift your litigation tactics and outcomes.

What is Predict?

Predict is an attorney-trusted, time-proven process that leverages comprehensive survey data, predictive analytics, and rigorous statistical analysis to deliver unprecedented clarity on case narratives and probable jury outcomes.

When is the Best Time to Use Predict?

Predict is your indispensable resource for a winning case strategy and is helpful at several points throughout the litigation lifecycle. Here are some key moments when Predict can make the most significant impact:

How Predict Works for You

Strengths & Weaknesses

Our tools extract detailed insights into what works in your favor and what doesn’t.

Jury Research Excellence

Tap into analytics that reveal the juror profiles aligned with your case.

Theme Development

Understand which themes resonate and drive liability and damage perception.

What our clients are saying
about Predict

Why Choose Predict?

Uncover Your Case's Full Potential

Navigate the litigation lifecycle with a powerful ally. From pre-suit evaluations to trial strategies, Predict equips you with the foresight you need.

Strategy-Enhancing Insights

Beyond mere reports, benefit from strategic insights that help fine-tune your case for any stage of the legal process – Pre Suit, Discovery, Mediation, or Trial.

Statistical Analysis at Its Finest

Move beyond guesswork. With Predict, tap into precise measurements of potential verdicts, comparative negligence, and hidden case issues.

Cost-Efficient Evaluation

Save time and money. Predict offers a fraction of the expense compared to traditional methods, such as mock trials, delivering thorough analysis swiftly and affordably.

Pinpoint Persuasion

Identify the most compelling arguments and trends within juror demographics to help identify the most receptive people to your case.

Transform Your Litigation Approach Today

In today’s fast-paced legal landscape, litigators must embrace new technologies and strategies to stay ahead. With Predict, you can elevate your case strategy with data-driven insights that provide a competitive edge. Don’t just rely on guesswork and intuition – try Predict today and see the difference it can make in your litigation outcomes.